Is margin possible for a <div> in css?

Is it possible to define a margin for a text area?

my wysiwyg editor places my text within <div> tags in stead of giving linebreaks <br />

So i thought giving the <div> a margin?

Is this possible in css? and if yes how?

Many thanks.

EDIT: I can't define the divs because it gets no classes. For example the editor makes it:

<div>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum egestas lacus libero, et pellentesque nisl. Cras pharetra nunc sit amet urna vestibulum non ultricies metus malesuada. </div>
<div>Nulla tincidunt, neque at blandit ultrices, massa odio pulvinar est, vel accumsan sapien justo sit amet lorem.</div>


.MyContainer div {
    margin: 42px;


  margin: 10px 0px 5px 20px;

gives you: 10 pixel margin at top, 0 pixel margin to right, 5 pixel margin at bottom and 20 pixel margin to left.

<div style="margin:5px;">content</div>



上一篇: 基于Twitter Bootstrap的响应式设计中的流体或固定网格系统

下一篇: css中的<div>边缘可能吗?