Javadoc API: How far are varargs supported?

I want to write my custom doclet. I don't want to read some existing javadoc that is made with the standard doclet.

I am having problems to figure out how I can query the Javadoc API whether a formal parameter is a varargs paramter. For example if I have the following method:

public static void main(String... args) {

How can I determine that the formal parameter args is varargs? I have looked into com.sun.javadoc.Type. But was not able to figure out how to access the information.


PS: Reflection doesn't help, since reflection is not available inside a doclet I guess. In a doclet you have for example the MethodDoc reflected class, whereas in reflection you have the Method class.

Found it, its an attribute of the MethodDoc super class:

public interface ExecutableMemberDoc {

    public boolean isVarArgs();
    // Return true if this method was declared to 
    // take a variable number of arguments.


To make it work you have to put the following static (sic!)
method and return value into your doclet class:

public static LanguageVersion languageVersion() {
    return LanguageVersion.JAVA_1_5;

Oki Doki. Case closed.

I think javadoc API clearly shows if argument is varargs.

Check below APi

It has a method as given below with varargs

format(Locale l, String format, Object... args )


上一篇: 在Java中将方法标记为纯函数的惯例

下一篇: Javadoc API:可变参数支持多远?