Can Spring's Embedded HSQL database support the Sybase dialect?

I would like to be able to support the following Sybase 15 ASE syntax in my unit/integration tests that use HSQL...

create table #myTable (value varchar(12) NULL)

HSQL won't recognise how the temp table is named, and baulks at the # character. Instead HSQL would like to use something like this...

create temporary table myTable (value varchar(12) NULL)

or, HSQL also supports most of ANSI-92 SQL according to their docs, however Sybase ASE 15 doesn't have great support for ANSI-92 SQL including how temporary tables are created so the following won't work in Sybase but does in HSQL...

DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE mytable (value varchar(12) NULL)

From everything I have tried I cannot come up with a common syntax that will work with both Sybase and HSQL. Does anyone know of a clean way around this?

The only option I think I have is to create separate DAO's for each database dialect, and control which one is used in the Spring Application Context XML files.

I don't use Hibernate for my datasource, only Spring's JdbcTemplate.

I chose to resolve this issue by implementing a couple of dialect helper classes for my DAO. My goals were to

  • Execute tests against HSQL databse instead of Sybase
  • Test as much of my production DAO as possible including the RowMapper and various SELECT/INSERT statements against the database schema as used in production (but implemented in HSQL)
  • My DAO ended up looking like this (note the DialectHelper being injected) ...

    public class MyDaoJdbc MyDao {
        private DialectHelper dialectHelper;
        /* the meat of the DAO removed for clarity */
        public void createTemporaryTable() {        
        public final void setDialectHelper(DialectHelper dialectHelper) {
            this.dialectHelper = dialectHelper;

    ... my production Spring configuration (spring-db.xml) looks like this and injects the Sybase dialect

    <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
        <property name="driverClassName"    value="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver" />
        <property name="url"                    value="${jdbc.url}" />
        <property name="username"           value="${jdbc.username}" />
        <property name="password"           value="${jdbc.password}" />
    <bean id="dialectHelper" class="com.acme.myapp.jdbc.DialectHelperSybase" />

    ... and my Test Spring configuration (spring-db-test.xml) looks like this and injects the HSQL dialect

    <jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource" type="HSQL">
         <jdbc:script location="classpath:/resources/schema.sql"/>
         <jdbc:script location="classpath:/resources/test-data.sql"/>
    <bean id="dialectHelper" class="com.acme.myapp.dao.jdbc.DialectHelperHsql" />

    The DialectHelper classes provide a way of separating out the incompatible database syntax from the DAO ...

    public class DialectHelperHsql implements DialectHelper {
        public String getTempTableCreateSql() {
            return "create temporary table myTable (value varchar(12) NULL)";
    public class DialectHelperSybase implements DialectHelper {
        public String getTempTableCreateSql() {
            return "create table #myTable (value varchar(12) NULL)";

    The Test class itself initialises Spring with the HSQL dialectHelper by loading the file spring-db-test.xml

    @TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
    public class MyDaoIntegrationHsqlTest {

    上一篇: HSQLDB对象名称已经存在

    下一篇: Spring的嵌入式HSQL数据库可以支持Sybase方言吗?