iPod touch compared to iPhone 4 as a development platform (iOS 4.1)

I would like to revamp an old question, concerning the development of apps on the iPod touch as a cheap replacement for the iPhone:

iPod Touch compared to iPhone as development platform for iPhone apps

Now Apple has released the new iPod touch with Retina display and the iPhone 4, both with iOS 4.1.

Should I choose the new iPod touch as a development device instead of the iPhone 4, which differences would I encouter, apart from the phone feature of course?

The differences are only substantial if your app would otherwise make use of them:

Compared to the iPhone 4, the new iPod Touch:

  • has less RAM, 256MB vs 512MB,
  • has a lower-quality rear camera,
  • doesn't have a GPS unit,
  • has a lower-quality retina display,
  • doesn't have a vibration unit,
  • and obviously doesn't have a phone radio unit.
  • Since most apps don't use the camera or the GPS, that's probably not a big deal. The retina display difference is also pretty minor (from what I've read). The difference most likely to give you grief is the amount of RAM, especially if you are making a game, but since you're talking about developing on the iPod Touch and not the iPhone 4, you're probably safe, since what works with less RAM should work when there's more RAM available.

    Typically the difference is the phone has more features. GPS, phone, and compass IIRC. If you plan on making an app that is both for the Touch and Phone, then there wouldn't be a difference. If you plan on taking advantage of the phone, go for the phone.

    The iPod touch is an excellent development device. Less expensive than an iPhone and easy to get. And now with the fourth generation also much closer to the iPhone.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/8888.html

    上一篇: iPod Touch第二代

    下一篇: 与iPhone 4相比,iPod touch作为开发平台(iOS 4.1)