'super' outside of function or class

I can't transpile this little piece of code:

class FooBar extends SomeParent {

  constructor() {

  start() {
    var foo = function() {
      super.start();     // <-- Error: 'super' outside of function or class

The error thrown is 'super' outside of function or class .

However, the same code transpiles fine in Babel REPL.

I'm transpiling using a custom Node.JS program using this command:

babel.transformFileSync(filename,  { presets: [ 'es2015' ] } );

Installation info:

$ npm ls --global --depth 0
├── babel@6.3.13
├── babel-core@6.3.17
├── babel-plugin-external-helpers-2@6.3.13
├── babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions@6.3.13
├── babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator@6.3.13
├── babel-plugin-transform-regenerator@6.3.18
├── babel-plugin-transform-runtime@6.3.13
├── babel-polyfill@6.3.14
├── babel-preset-es2015@6.3.13
└── npm@1.4.28

$ node -v

What am I doing wrong? I had no problems when transpiling using Babel 5...

It works in the Babel REPL because Babel 5 did not have checks for this I'd assume.

This is not valid:

class Example extends Parent {
  start() {
    var foo = function() {

But using an arrow function does:

class Example extends Parent {
  start() {
    var foo = () => {

because super behavior is based on the this environment of its calling location. While an arrow function shares its this environment with its parent, a standard function introduces a whole not this environment.


  • calls MakeSuperPropertyReference()
  • calls GetThisEnvironment() which in the first case will be the function expression, and in the arrow case will be the class method, and then calls HasSuperBinding() in that environment.
  • will return false in the first case because function expressions do not have a [[HomeObject]] whereas class methods do.
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/89380.html

    上一篇: Android Google Auth登录handleSignInResult:false

    下一篇: 在功能或课堂之外的“超级”