Writing a float image in openCv with pixel values bigger than 1

I am currently working on a program which should take an LDR images and multiply certain pixel in the image, so that their pixel value would exceed the normal 0-255 (0-1) pixel value boundary. The program i have written can do so, but I am not able to write the image file, as the imwrite() in OpenCV clambs the values back in the range of 0-255 (0-1) if they are bigger than 255.

Is there anybody there who knows how to write a floating point image with pixel values bigger than 255 (1)

My code looks like this

Mat ApplySunValue(Mat InputImg)
 Mat Image1 = imread("/****/.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

Mat outPutImage;

Image1.convertTo(Image1, CV_32FC3);

for(int x = 0; x < InputImg.cols; x++){
    for(int y = 0; y < InputImg.rows; y++){

        float blue  = Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] /255.0f;
        float green = Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] /255.0f;
        float red = Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] /255.0f ;

        Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] = blue;
        Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] = green;
        Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] = red;

        int pixelValue = InputImg.at<uchar>(y,x);

        if(pixelValue > 254){

            Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] = blue * SunMultiplyer;
            Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] = green * SunMultiplyer;
            Image1.at<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] = red * SunMultiplyer;    



imwrite("/****/Nice.TIFF", Image1 * 255);

imshow("hej", Image1);

return InputImg;

For storage purposes, the following is more memory efficient than the XML / YAML alternative (due to the use of a binary format):

// Save the image data in binary format
std::ofstream os(<filepath>,std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc|std::ios::binary);
os << (int)image.rows << " " << (int)image.cols << " " << (int)image.type() << " ";

You can then load the image as follows:

// Load the image data from binary format
std::ifstream is(<filepath>,std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
    return false;
int rows,cols,type;
is >> rows; is.ignore(1);
is >> cols; is.ignore(1);
is >> type; is.ignore(1);
cv::Mat image;

For instance, without compression, a 1920x1200 floating-point three-channel image takes 26 MB when stored in binary format, whereas it takes 129 MB when stored in YML format. This size difference also has an impact on runtime since the number of accesses to the hard drive are very different.

Now, if what you want is to visualize your HDR image, you have no choice but to convert it to LDR. This is called "tone-mapping" (Wikipedia entry).

据我所知,当opencv使用imwrite写入时,它会以图像容器支持的格式写入,默认情况下这是255.但是,如果您只想保存数据,则可以考虑将Mat对象写入xml / yaml文件。

cv::FileStorage fs;
fs.open(filename, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);

fs.open(filename, cv::FileStorage::READ);

fs.release(); //Very Important
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/89816.html

上一篇: 如何使用OpenCV检测并修复图像中的坏点?

下一篇: 在像素值大于1的openCv中写入浮动图像