Revert changes to a file in a commit

I want to revert changes made by a particular commit to a given file only.

Can I use git revert command for that?

Any other simple way to do it?

The cleanest way I've seen of doing this is described here

git show some_commit_sha1 -- some_file.c | git apply -R

Similar to VonC's response but using git show and git apply .

git revert is for all file contents within a commits.

For a single file, you can script it:


function output_help {
    echo "usage: git-revert-single-file <sha1> <file>"


if [[ $sha1 ]]; then
git diff $sha1..$sha1^ -- $file | patch -p1

(From the git-shell-scripts utilities from smtlaissezfaire)


another way is described here if you have yet to commit your current modification.

git checkout -- filename

git checkout has some options for a file, modifying the file from HEAD, overwriting your change.

Dropped.on.Caprica mentions in the comments:

You can add an alias to git so you can do git revert-file <hash> <file-loc> and have that specific file be reverted.
See this gist.

  revert-file = !sh /home/some-user/

Assuming it is ok to change the commit history, here's a workflow to revert changes in a single file in an earlier commit:

For example, you want to revert changes in 1 file ( badfile.txt ) in commit aaa222 :

aaa333 Good commit
aaa222 Problem commit containing badfile.txt
aaa111 Base commit

Rebase on the base commit, amend the problem commit, & continue.

1) Start interactive rebase:

git rebase -i aaa111

2) Mark the problem commit for edit in the editor by changing pick to e (for edit):

e aaa222
pick aaa333

3) Revert changes to the bad file:

git show -- badfile.txt | git apply -R

4) Add the changes & amend the commit:

git add badfile.txt
git commit --amend

5) Finish the rebase:

git rebase --continue

上一篇: 我怎样才能在Git中检出一个特定版本的文件?

下一篇: 在提交中将更改还原为文件