Show git diff on file in staging area

Possible Duplicate:
How do I show the changes which have been staged?

Is there a way I can see the changes that were made to a file after I have done git add file ?

That is, when I do:

git add file
git diff file

no diff is shown. I guess there's a way to see the differences since the last commit but I don't know what that is.

You can show changes that have been staged with the --cached flag:

$ git diff --cached

In more recent versions of git, you can also use the --staged flag ( --staged is a synonym for --cached ):

$ git diff --staged

为了查看已经执行的更改,可以将-–staged选项传递给git diff (在Git的1.6之前版本中,使用–-cached )。

git diff --staged
git diff --cached

try git diff HEAD file ?

See the EXAMPLE section under git-diff(1)


上一篇: 如何查看git commit中的更改?

下一篇: 在临时区域显示git diff文件