How can I insert a PHP code in CKEditor from a plugin?

I'm using Drupal 7 and the CKEditor module for a WYSIWYG textarea. I need to insert a PHP code like <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> in the Full HTML text format, it isn't needed to see the Hello World in the WYSIWYG mode, but it has to be in the source mode.

The config file sitesallmodulescontribckeditorckeditor.config.js has the config.protectedSource.push(/<?[sS]*??>/g); // PHP Code config.protectedSource.push(/<?[sS]*??>/g); // PHP Code line and the Full HTML text format has the PHP evalutaor checked.

So, if I write <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> in the source mode it works perfectly .

Now I want to add a button in the CKEditor tool bar to add the next code when the button is clicked: <div id="phpcode"><?php echo "Hello World!"; ?></div> <div id="phpcode"><?php echo "Hello World!"; ?></div> .

The code in my plugin.js is:

editor.addCommand('phpcode', {
    exec : function() {
        code = editor.document.createElement('div');
        code.setAttribute('id', 'phpcode');
        code.setHtml('<?php echo "Hewllo World"; ?>');

But the result is (Notice that the <?php and ?> are commented.):

<div id="phpcode"><!--?php echo "Hewllo World"; ?--></div>

If I change the code.setHtml() for code.setText() the result is (Notice that the < and > are escaped):

<div id="phpcode">&lt;?php echo "Hewllo World"; ?&gt;</div>

How can I insert a PHP code clicking in a CKEditor toolbar button?

The solution is so easy. Just change the insertElement function for insertHtml function:

editor.addCommand('phpcode', {
    exec : function() {
        editor.insertHtml('<div id="phpcode"><?php echo "Hewllo World"; ?></div>');

上一篇: Drupal ckeditor不支持一些html标签

下一篇: 我如何从插件插入一个PHP代码到CKEditor中?