Remove Commit from Repository History

Possible Duplicate:
How to delete a 'git commit'

Knowing that this will change history, I want to remove some accidentally commits from the history of a repository. I would like all other commits to retain their states of the repository. So the changes of commits I want to delete would be covered each by the commit after them.

How can I do that in Git and how can I apply that also or only to the repository on Github?

If I understand correctly, "squashing" is what you want.


Given the history above, you should pick the commit before the first commit you want to squash. Let's say you want to squash F and E into D and H into G, so the commit before the first one is C.

  git rebase -i C

You will be presented an editor with a text file containing something like the following:

pick D
pick E
pick F
pick G
pick H

Modify this into:

pick D
squash E
squash F
pick G
squash H

You will be asked to review the commit messages of the new commits,

The resulting history will look like:


Please note You're always squashing newer commits into older ones, not vice versa. Therefore pick G and squash H . Think of it as amending a commit after your history moved on.

PS: To get this into your GitHub repository, you'll have to to a forced push git push -f origin (given that origin is your GitHub remote).

PPS: For further information see the man page of git-rebase.


上一篇: 如何重置在远程分支上使用git的错误提交?

下一篇: 从存储库历史中删除提交