Working off a commit 5 commits ago. How does one do this best?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Delete commits from a branch in Git 23 answers

  • if you haven't pushed this, you can do

    git reset --hard a625c16a2985d06f10fb72db9e6952fdf51e5000

    This will discard all the changes completely and forget they every happened. However, this will mean that you will have to do git push --force if you've published this anywhere, which might be considered dangerous / antisocial.

    If you want to avoid that you can do

    git revert 8379fef8952c9fde4c4f8bb9b3fb5dab80a61bc9
    git revert 2da2d26974d1ef57a02f3dfe2c7b5aa310f2efac

    Which will cleanly backout all the changes, and you'll be able to push without --force. This does mean all your changes and reversions will be visible in the history.

    如果你已经把你想要的提交作为分离的HEAD检出,你可以简单地执行git branch -f branchname && git checkout branchname


    上一篇: 如何从git master分支中删除一些提交?

    下一篇: 处理提交5提交前。 如何做到最好?