How to convert a Git shallow clone to a full clone?


你可以运行git fetch --depth=1000000 (假定版本库的提交少于100万次)。

The below command (git version 1.8.3) will convert the shallow clone to regular one

git fetch --unshallow

Then, to get access to all the branches on origin (thanks @Peter in the comments)

git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*"
git fetch origin

I needed to deepen a repo only down to a particular commit.

After reading man git-fetch , I found out that one cannot specify a commit, but can specify a date:

git fetch --shallow-since=15/11/2012

For those who need incremental deepening, another man quote:


Similar to --depth, except it specifies the number of commits from the current shallow boundary instead of from the tip of each remote branch history.


上一篇: 从远程Git存储库中检索特定的提交

下一篇: 如何将Git浅层克隆转换为完整克隆?