AVD device is stuck at "ANDROID" screen

I'm trying to launch avd on Android studio, but it is just stuck at initial ANDROID screen:


I'm running android-studio 2.3.1 on windows 10 32-bit with JAVA 8 on Intel core 2 duo E7500 2.93 Ghz 3GB DDR2 RAM

My device info are following:

 Name: Pixel_API_24

 CPU/ABI: Google APIs Intel Atom (x86)

 Path: C:Usersuser123.androidavdPixel_API_24.avd

 Target: google_apis [Google APIs] (API level 24)

Skin: pixel

SD Card: 100M

hw.dPad: no

runtime.network.speed: full

hw.accelerometer: yes

hw.device.name: pixel

vm.heapSize: 256

skin.dynamic: yes

hw.device.manufacturer: Google

hw.gps: yes

hw.initialOrientation: Portrait

image.androidVersion.api: 24

hw.audioInput: yes

image.sysdir.1: system-imagesandroid-24google_apisx86

tag.id: google_apis

showDeviceFrame: yes

hw.camera.back: emulated

hw.mainKeys: no

AvdId: Pixel_API_24

hw.camera.front: emulated

hw.lcd.density: 480

avd.ini.displayname: Pixel API 24

hw.gpu.mode: guest

hw.device.hash2: MD5:70f950b0b2b8960d1990af72fb74ad27

hw.ramSize: 768

hw.trackBall: no

hw.battery: yes

hw.cpu.ncore: 1

hw.sdCard: yes

tag.display: Google APIs

runtime.network.latency: none

hw.keyboard: yes

hw.sensors.proximity: yes

disk.dataPartition.size: 800M

hw.sensors.orientation: yes

avd.ini.encoding: UTF-8

hw.gpu.enabled: yes

avd设备设置 choose emulator device with least resolution, it uses less space on disk n will start comparatively faster esp if you have less RAM

Check if the least resolution emulator device starts on your system, If it does not that means you probably have less RAM than min required

Atleast 4GB RAM is needed to run Android Studio.

Read more for System Requirements & Tips for fast emulators - Android Studio

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/91024.html

上一篇: 如何停止在Delphi中使用IVBSAXXMLReader解析XML文档?

下一篇: AVD设备卡在“ANDROID”屏幕上