How do I create a UUID (GUID) in Livecode (or HyperTalk)?
How do I create a UUID (= Universally unique identifier, or GUID = Globally Unique Identifier, Microsoft speak) in Livecode or Hypercard?
The aim of UUIDs is to give practically unique keys to pieces of information without a central coordination.
In LiveCode 6.1 (released today) you can create a uuid using the uuid function. Type 4 random uuid is the default and type 3 and 5 digest based uuids are also implemented.
If you're on a Unix (like Linux or MacOS), you could use the shell() function to call the uuidgen Terminal command. It should be something like
put shell("uuidgen") into theUUID
That's a bit heavy-handed (creates a shell, runs a command line application in it, then quits it again), but will work on older LiveCode versions, and isn't that different from what a shell script does.
In HyperCard, you'd have to use AppleScript, either in an object whose script is set to AppleScript, or using the "do X as AppleScript" command. Not sure if AppleScript can natively build UUIDs, but if it can't, AppleScript can be used to run shell scripts. (The shell() function doesn't exist in HyperCard, it was invented by SuperCard, IIRC).
In case none of that helps, here's a specification that describes how to create a standard UUID: It's not specific to any programming language.
function getUUID
local tUUIDpattern
local tUUID
local tHexDigits
put "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" into tUUIDpattern
put "1234567890abcdef" into tHexDigits
repeat for each char tChar in tUUIDpattern
if tChar = "x" then
put any char of tHexDigits after tUUID
put tChar after tUUID
end if
end repeat
return tUUID
end getUUID