Transfer Pivot Cache from a Pivot on one file to a Pivot on another?

I need to safely transfer the cache of a Pivot Table on an Excel File, into a pivot on a different file. How can I do this?

This is the code I'm using now (Notice this method works even if the Source pivot Data Source has been eliminated):

Public Sub TransferPivotCache(Source As PivotTable, Target As PivotTable)
    Dim TempSheet As Worksheet
    Set TempSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
    Source.TableRange2.Copy Destination:=TempSheet.Range("A1")
    Target.CacheIndex = TempSheet.PivotTables(1).CacheIndex
End Sub

However when the pivot I'm importing is too big I get the error "Not enough memory" when modifying the cache index property. And afterwards, even the file closes and if I try to reopen it, it's corrupted. Is there a better way to transfer a Pivot Cache between pivot tables?


If your goal it to update another pivot table targeting the same data, then another way would be to create a new PivotCache pointing to the same source. This way, the targeted workbook will build the same PivotCache without the need to copy the DataTable , which is probably the cause of your memory issue.

Public Sub TransferPivotCache(source As PivotTable, target As PivotTable)
    Dim pivCache As PivotCache, sh As Worksheet, rgData As Range, refData

    ' convert the `SourceData` from `xlR1C1` to `xlA1` '
    refData = Application.ConvertFormula(source.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1, xlAbsolute)
    If IsError(refData) Then refData = source.SourceData

    If Not IsError(source.Parent.Evaluate(refData)) Then
        ' create a new pivot cache from the data source if it exists '

        Set rgData = source.Parent.Evaluate(refData)
        If Not rgData.ListObject Is Nothing Then Set rgData = rgData.ListObject.Range

        Set pivCache = target.Parent.Parent.PivotCaches.Create( _
          XlPivotTableSourceType.xlDatabase, _

        pivCache.EnableRefresh = False
        target.ChangePivotCache pivCache
        ' copy the pivot cache since the data source no longer exists '

        Set sh = source.Parent.Parent.Sheets.Add
        source.PivotCache.CreatePivotTable sh.Cells(1, 1)
        sh.Move after:=target.Parent  ' moves the temp sheet to targeted workbook '

        ' replace the pivot cache '
        target.PivotCache.EnableRefresh = True
        target.CacheIndex = target.Parent.Next.PivotTables(1).CacheIndex
        target.PivotCache.EnableRefresh = False

        'remove the temp sheet '
    End If

End Sub

I was not able to reproduce the resource issue with my Excel Professional 2010... But have you tried this simpler possibility?:

Public Sub TransferPivotCache(SourcePivot As PivotTable, TargetPivot As PivotTable)
  TargetPivot.CacheIndex = SourcePivot.CacheIndex
End Sub

It looks like it does the same (at least within the same workbook), and it avoids creating a whole new sheet.


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