Shopify Theme with Compass and Sass

Does anyone have a workflow for developing Shopify themes with Compass and Sass? I am really close, I just need to figure out how to not make Sass barf on the CSS liquid tags.

Here's what I've got:

  • A sass/compass project in directory (ex:, "/newwebsite/)
  • A subdirectory containing my Shopify theme ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/")
  • A Compass config.rb that points the css,_dir images_dir and javascripts_dir all to the them's assets folder ("/newwebsite/newwebsite-theme/assets/")
  • Compass watch on
  • shopify_theme gem also watch on, uploading theme files to shopify (
  • EDIT Sass interpolations (see anser below)
  • EDIT Compass callback to rename to .css.liquid
  • The problem: Compass barf's when you need to use Shopify's liquid templating tags, for example, a background image - example, background: url( "{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}")

    Does anyone know how to instruct Compass / Sass to spit out the liquid template tags as they are into the CSS? If I have that, then I have a solid workflow of editing Sass locally, and realizing the changes momentarily after on the shopify shop.


    EDIT: By using Hopper's answer below for the liquid tags in Sass, and renaming the Compass output .css file to .css.liquid, I now have an instantaneous workflow for designing a Shopify theme with Compass and Sass! Here is the code for the Compass callback that goes in the config.rb:

    on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
      s = filename + ".liquid"
      puts "copying to: " + s
      FileUtils.cp(filename, s)
      puts "removing: " + filename

    I'm not familiar with Shopify or liquid tags, but I do know that in SASS you can use interpolations to output plain CSS as-is. For example, the SASS here:

    .test {
        background: url( #{'{{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}'} )

    Would be compiled to:

    .test {
        background: url({{ "splash-1.jpg" | asset_url }}); }

    Does that get you close to what you're looking for?

    How do you keep Compass from barfing on liquid logic between properties? Eg any time there's a liquid if statement I get errors, and using #{'...'} doesn't seem to help.

    This is a test I can't get to work:

    #container {
      margin:0px auto;
      padding:0 40px;
      {% if settings.page_bg_transparent %}
      {% else %}
        background:{{ settings.page_bg_color }};
      {% endif %}

    UPDATE weirdly, commenting liquid logic works:

    #container {
      margin:0px auto;
      padding:0 40px; 
      /* {% if settings.page_bg_transparent %} */
      /* {% else %} */
        background:#{'{{ settings.page_bg_color }}'}; 
      /* {% endif %} */

    For asset url you can also use SCSS custom functions. Put this in your config.rb file

    module Sass::Script::Functions
      def shopify_image_url(string)
        assert_type string, :String"url({{'#{string.value}' | asset_url}})")

    And then use it in your styles.scss like this

    background: shopify_image_url('image.png');

    上一篇: 在罗盘config.rb中指定一个单独的scss文件

    下一篇: Shopify主题与指南针和萨斯