Better technique for MyThread class

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  • “implements Runnable” vs. “extends Thread” 40 answers

  • While creating a thread implementing Runnable interface is better. Because you can extend your new class from other class, otherwise you can not extend it.

    Extending a Thread is better if you want to retain some control over the thread's work, like calling interrup() . In general, I'd say that extending a Thread is OK when the class is some kind of Manger or Worker.

    In other cases, especially when a class represents some work to be done ( Job , Future ) it's much better to implement runnable .

    And in case of implementing Runnable, I have to create Thread object from MyThread object, like

    MyThread mt = new MyThread();
    Thread t = new Thread(mt);


    You can do this...

    Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable () { public void run() { /* do stuff */ }});

    ... no need for MyThread class.


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    下一篇: MyThread类更好的技术