Pushing an existing Git repository to Github only sends about half the commits?

I have a local Git repository I've been developing under for a few days: it has eighteen commits so far. Tonight, I created a private Github repository I was hoping to push it to; however, when I did so, it only ended up pushing eight of the eighteen commits to Github. I deleted the Github repo and retried, with the same result.

Any thoughts on why this might be happening? I've done this procedure before without a few times successfully, so I'm a bit stumped.

Update : There is, and has always been, only the master branch in this repo. Just to address a few of the posted answers...

I took a look at the repository in question and here's what was going on:

  • At some point, rpj had performed git checkout [commit id] . This pointed HEAD at a loose commit rather than a recognized branch. I believe this is the "dangling HEAD" problem that CesarB is referring to.
  • Not realizing this problem, he went on making changing and committing them, which bumped HEAD up every time. However, HEAD was just pointing at a dangling chain of commits, not at a recognized branch.
  • When he went to push his changes, git pushed everything up to the top of master, which was only about halfway through the current tree he was on.
  • Confusion ensued
  • This diagram should make it more clear:

                     -- D -- E -- F
                    /             ^
       A -- B -- C -              |
       ^         ^               HEAD
       |         |
     remote    master

    When he tried to push his changes, only A through C were pushed and remote moved up to C . He couldn't get commits D through F to push because they aren't referenced by a known branch.

    Here's what you see when you're in this state:

    $ git branch
    * (no branch)

    The solution is to move master up to F in the dangling chain of commits. Here's how I did it.

  • Create a legitimate branch for the current state:

    git checkout -b tmp

  • The tmp branch is now pointing at commit F in the diagram above
  • Fast-forward master to tmp

    git checkout master

    git merge tmp

  • master is now pointing at commit F .
  • Throw away your temporary branch

    git branch -d tmp

  • You can happily push to the remote repository and it should send all of your changes.

  • From Git 1.7.3 onwards, you can do this with one simple command:

    git checkout -B master

    The -b switch means “create branch here before checking it out” and -B is the unconditional version of that, “even if the branch already exists – in that case, move it here before checking it out”.

    A very simple approach for fixing this sort of problem is to just delete the master branch and recreate it. After all, branches in git are merely names for commits and the master branch is nothing special.

    So assuming that the current commit is the one you want master to be, you simply do

    git branch -D master

    to delete the existing master branch, then do

    git checkout -b master

    to a) create a new branch called master that points to the current commit and b) update HEAD to point to the master branch. After that, HEAD will be attached to master and therefore master will move forward whenever you commit.

    Check if you are pushing the correct branches, and that the branches actually have what you think they have. In particular, check if you do not have a detached HEAD, which can be quite confusing if not done on purpose.

    The easiest way to check is to use gitk --all , which shows graphically all the branches, the HEAD, and more.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/92234.html

    上一篇: 控制反转

    下一篇: 将现有的Git存储库推送到Github只发送大约一半的提交?