Nested GIT Repository mistake method to remove it?
I have just realised I ran a 'git init' command from a sub-directory by mistake and then created a master repo at the root of my project.
This was a mistake, so I ran the 'rm -fr'
command (delete) on the nested directory '.git' not in the root of the project - thinking that this would solve my issue (how wrong I was)
The problem is now that when I push the project to GitHub the nested folder is greyed out as if it was ignored.
Is there any way to undo what I have done? or do I just have to start again? I'm new to this and was trying to complete a sample app tutorial but the directory I've seemingly ruined is essential to the deployment in a production env.
A gray folder on GitHub looks like a submodule .
See for instance:
Try a git rm --cached sub-directory
(no trailing slash).
Check if you have a .gitmodules
file at the root of your main repo, with that same sub-directory in it.
See more at "Cannot remove submodule from Git repo"
git rm --cached submodule-name
git commit -m "Remove submodule entry"
git push
Note the --cached option here: we don't want to remove the sub-folder, only the special entry in the index which marks it as a submodule.
链接地址:上一篇: GitHub仓库中的文件夹变灰了?