Order in which command prompt executes files with the same name (a.bat vs a.cmd vs a.exe)

What is the order in which the Windows command prompt executes files with the same name, but different extensions?

For example, I have a bunch of executable files (something.cmd, something.bat, something.exe). Which of these would be executed when I typed "something" into a command prompt (given they were on the path, etc.)? If that file did not exist which one would then be executed?

Is there a reference that describes this?

Okay, I did some quick experimentation based on some other searches I had going.

The gist is that the order of the commands is dependent on the order the extensions are stored in the PATHEXT environment variable. So initially I had:


and for the example above the order in which it would run it was:


Changing the order which they were defined in the PATHEXT environment variable did indeed change the order in which they were executed.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/92302.html

上一篇: 在Windows批处理文件(.BAT)中声明和使用变量

下一篇: 命令提示符在其中执行具有相同名称的文件(a.bat vs a.cmd vs a.exe)