Windows cmd redirect subcommand output to file
I am trying to debug an application using cuda-memcheck. What I want to do is to redirect output from my app to one file, but on the other hand, redirect stdout and stderr of the cuda-memcheck into another file. But I cannot get it working. This:
cuda-memcheck "app.exe > stdout1.txt" > memcheck.log 2>&1
does absolutely nothing. But if I delete the redirection inside the quotes (ignoring my app output), it executes. So the question is, how to redirect subcommand's stdout?
According to your comment on cuda-memcheck
's behavior, you could use the following command.
cuda-memcheck --log-file memcheck.log app.exe >app.stdout.txt
Here's my test on CentOS. It may work for Win32 console application but not for Win32 application.
#include <iostream>
int main () {
std::cout<< "hello world to stdout!" <<std::endl;
std::cerr<< "hello world to stderr!" <<std::endl;
return 0;
Compile command:
$ nvcc -O3 -o a
Run command:
$ cuda-memcheck --log-file mem.log a >a.stdout.log 2>a.stderr.log
Result files:
$ cat mem.log
========= ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors
$ cat a.stdout.log
hello world to stdout!
$ cat a.stderr.log
hello world to stderr!