Dojo AMD loader executing define callbacks with empty / missing dependencies

I'm new to Dojo (1.7) and totally willing to accept I'm being an idiot (I just hope not). I am more comfortable using require.js for AMD but I'm using a 3rd-party (ESRI) mapping API that forces Dojo on me and uses its AMD, meaning I get nasty errors if I try and use require.js as well.

I have define da module with dependencies on Backbone and Underscore (I might ultimately go with Dojo's MVC but I don't think this problem is specific to Backbone so I want to get it figured out). Bizarrely it seems that Dojo is executing the callback within my define when the module is loaded, and at this point the dependencies (Underscore and Backbone) are empty objects {} . An error occurs within my callback's return Backbone.View.extend... because Backbone's View property doesn't exist.

I know that Backbone is dependent on Underscore, and so far I have no idea how to ensure Underscore is loaded first without using a hacky-looking require({async:0},['test1.js','test2.js'... . However, in this case Underscore is also an empty object, so the define 's callback is executed before either dependency is loaded???

EDIT I see both Underscore and Backbone HTTP requests and 200 responses in the console before this error occurs, so I assume there are no problems in their references.

Something concrete...


<script type="text/javascript">

    var dojoConfig = {
        tlmSiblingOfDojo: false,

        packages: [
            {name: 'app', location: '/js'},
            {name: 'lib', location: '/js/lib'}

        aliases: [
            ['Backbone', 'lib/backbone-0.9.2.min'],
            ['_', 'lib/underscore-1.3.3.min'],
            ['$', 'lib/jquery-1.8.0.min'],

            ['ready', 'dojo/domReady']

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

    require([ 'app/app' ], function(App) {



define(['app/views/main-view'], function(MainView) {

    return {
        initialize : function() {
            new MainView();



define(['_', 'Backbone', 'ready!'], function(_, Backbone) {

    // *** ERROR THROWN HERE, Backbone = {}, _ = {} ***
    return Backbone.View.extend({

        el: 'main',

        initialise: function() {

            console.log('main view initialising');


        render: function() {

            console.log('main view rendering');


Can anybody (please) tell me what's going on here? Also any alternate suggestions on loading Underscore before Backbone would be really helpful!

Just change the order of dependencies:

define(['_', 'Backbone', 'ready!'], function(_, Backbone) { /*...*/});

Because your have ready! plugin in _ variable and _.js in Backbone variable.

Edit: You can nest it:

define(["_", "require"], function(_, require) {

    require(["Backbone"], function(Backbone) {
        // your code here


Also, if underscore or Backbone are not AMD modules, local function variables will cover them.


上一篇: 要求为什么以及何时使用shim配置

下一篇: Dojo AMD加载器执行定义具有空/缺少依赖关系的回调