C# Create array from MatchCollection
i need to create an multidimensional array from this regex result
MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(input, @"( +|)[( +|)PC( +|)(( +|)name( +|)=" + ""(.*)"( +|),( +|)ip( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)subnet( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"( +|),( +|)gateway( +|)=( +|)"(.*)"" + @")]");
that regex will catch this string
[PC(name="PC1", ip="", subnet="", gateway="")]
and what i need is create multidimensional array like this
[0]PC1 -> [0], [1], [2]
i can get each value of matchcollection using for loop but the problem is creating the multidimensional array
i already google it about 2d array but there's no one work. i found one code but it can't be used by string
int[][] i = new int[2][];
i[0] = new int[3] { 1, 2, 3 };
i[1] = new int[2] { 4, 5 };
i need 2d array like this array[0] -> PCName -> [0]IP, [1]Subnet, [2]Gateway
I have tried to create an object[][] from captured values
sample code
string input = "[PC(name="PC1", ip="", subnet="", gateway="")]n[PC(name="PC2", ip="", subnet="", gateway="")]";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, @"name=""(.*?)"".*ip=""(.*?)"".*subnet=""(.*?)"".*gateway=""(.*?)""");
object[][] values = matches.OfType<Match>()
.Select(m => new object[] { m.Groups[1], m.Groups[2], m.Groups[3], m.Groups[4] })
note that I have also changed the regex to create groups so that the values can be grouped in the match
try the regex here http://regex101.com/r/nM6lK8/2
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/92832.html上一篇: 我应该使用字符串与正则表达式匹配或不