public void Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Other initialization code
mtxtEmailID.Mask = "..........";
Mask Type代替点应该是什么
mtxtEmailID.MaskInputRejected += new MaskInputRejectedEventHandler(mtxtEmailID_MaskInputRejected)
void mtxtEmailID_MaskInputRejected(object sender, MaskInputRejectedEventArgs e)
if(!Regex.IsMatch(txtEmailID.Text, "^[a-zA-Z][w.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9]@[a-zA-Z0-9][w.-]*[a-zA-Z0-9].[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z.]*[a-zA-Z]$"))
toolTip1.ToolTipTitle = "Invalid Input";
toolTip1.Show("Enter valid email address", mtxtEMailID);
如果你想验证电子邮件地址正则表达式不是正确的选择。 regex
address = new MailAddress(address).Address;
//email address is valid since the above line has not thrown an exception
//address is invalid
我的项目中的这种方法使得电子邮件验证变得简单,仅考虑了诸如“@”和“。”之类的电子邮件中重要的几个因素。 。 我觉得不要让它变得复杂,因为每个人的电子邮件地址都不是强制性的。
private void txtEmailID_Validating(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
string errorMsg;
if (!ValidEmailAddress(txtEmailID.Text, out errorMsg))
// Cancel the event and select the text to be corrected by the user.
e.Cancel = true;
txtEmailID.Select(0, txtEmailID.Text.Length);
// Set the ErrorProvider error with the text to display.
this.errorProvider1.SetError(txtEmailID, errorMsg);
public bool ValidEmailAddress(string txtEmailID, out string errorMsg)
// Confirm that the e-mail address string is not empty.
if (txtEmailID.Length == 0)
errorMsg = "e-mail address is required.";
return false;
// Confirm that there is an "@" and a "." in the e-mail address, and in the correct order.
if (txtEmailID.IndexOf("@") > -1)
if (txtEmailID.IndexOf(".", txtEmailID.IndexOf("@")) > txtEmailID.IndexOf("@"))
errorMsg = "";
return true;
errorMsg = "e-mail address must be valid e-mail address format.n" +
"For example 'someone@example.com' ";
return false;
private void txtEmailID_Validated(object sender, EventArgs e)
// If all conditions have been met, clear the ErrorProvider of errors.
errorProvider1.SetError(txtEmailID, "");
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/92845.html
上一篇: In C# windows forms how a MaskedTextBox for email address can be implemented