Detecting when user has dismissed the soft keyboard

I have an EditText widget in my view. When the user selects the EditText widget, I display some instructions and the soft keyboard appears.

I use an OnEditorActionListener to detect when the user has completed text entry and I dismiss the keyboard, hide the instructions and perform some action.

My problem is when the user dismisses the keyboard by pressing the BACK key. The OS dismisses the keyboard, but my instructions (which I need to hide) are still visible.

I've tried overriding OnKeyDown, but that doesn't seem to get called when the BACK button is used to dismiss the keyboard.

I've tried setting an OnKeyListener on the EditText widget, but that doesn't seem to get called either.

How can I detect when the soft keyboard is being dismissed?


I know a way to do this. Subclass the EditText and implement:

public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
  if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {
    // Do your thing.
    return true;  // So it is not propagated.
  return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);

Here is a link on how to use your custom views (for when you subclass EditText):

Jay, your solution is good ! thanks :)

public class EditTextBackEvent extends EditText {

    private EditTextImeBackListener mOnImeBack;

    public EditTextBackEvent(Context context) {

    public EditTextBackEvent(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public EditTextBackEvent(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

    public boolean onKeyPreIme(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
        if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && 
            event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            if (mOnImeBack != null) 
                mOnImeBack.onImeBack(this, this.getText().toString());
        return super.dispatchKeyEvent(event);

    public void setOnEditTextImeBackListener(EditTextImeBackListener listener) {
        mOnImeBack = listener;


public interface EditTextImeBackListener {
    public abstract void onImeBack(EditTextBackEvent ctrl, String text);

上一篇: Android如何在软键盘可见时以全屏模式调整布局

下一篇: 检测用户何时解除软键盘