strange behaviour caching bitmaps in a lrucache
I am using a LRUCache to cache different objects and to avoid outofmemory problems. This works fine for all kind of javaobjects except for bitmaps. With bitmaps I still get outofmemory when decoding a file (nativeDecodeAsset) after a while. I can follow the memory consumption reaching the max.
I simply do the following:
public showbitmap(Canvas canvas,String BitmapID){
Bitmap bmtemp=(Bitmap) lrucache.get(BitmapID);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmtemp, ..., ...);
I do not use the bitmaps outside of my canvas. I thought the LRUCache should free it. Any hints ? I read alot on this in the forum, but still don't know howto avoid this. I guess it has to do with memory fragmentation ?
I enhanced my LRUCache with entryRemoved and I see when debugging that Bitmap.recycle is called.
protected void entryRemoved(boolean evicted, String key, Object oldobject, Object newobject) {
Log.v("Debug recycle", "bitmap recycled !");
new Infos: I recognized that my total memory (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()) is never reduced even if I manually clean the LRUCache with evictAll(). When total memory reaches nearly max Memory (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()), then my OutofMemory Error comes.
I do not understand this. Why can't my app use the free space to decode the image (nativeDecodeAsset) when LRUCache is completely cleared ?
链接地址:下一篇: 奇怪的行为缓存lrucache中的位图