Loading listview with dynamic images AND text from http?

I need help with dynamic loading of images and text into a listview. I have tried an example of lazy loading in listview but I'm having trouble understanding how it retrieves text and images. I tried creating a method to retrieve the image urls but not working flawlessly.

Any solutions for this lazy loading or are there any other ways I could do it? I need to display everything (images + text) from the web.

Thanks in advance.

You need to load these images first somewhere separatly, and after that you need to call the vector in your getView() method. getView() is called every time you scroll trough list, so every time download the images, so you understand now why is better to download them first time in a local database, or somewhere else.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/93122.html

上一篇: 防止图像下载时挂起应用程序?

下一篇: 使用动态图像加载列表视图和来自http的文本?