在IE11的Windows 8上IE8兼容模式的一些Javascript错误

我试图迁移一个实际上在Windows XP / IE8上工作的Web应用程序,以在Windows 8 / IE11下工作。 当我尝试在IE8兼容模式下测试此系统时,我收到以下错误:

SCRIPT5: The system cannot locate the resource specified. File:webservice.js, 
Line: 498, Column: 4 HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
File: DesktopWindow.aspx 
SCRIPT450: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment File: operation.js, 
Line: 1849, Column: 3 SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'childNodes'
of undefined or null reference File: DesktopWindow.aspx,
Line: 100, Column: 5 SCRIPT450: Wrong number of arguments or invalid
property assignment File: DesktopWindow.aspx, Line: 1881, Column: 4

我在W XP和IE8上没有问题。 这个应用程序必须在两个操作系统。


for(j = 0; j < iNumData; j++)
    id = sIDs.getItem(j);
    value = top.AQContextArea(id);

    //Inform the AQDataArray with the values of the scripting dictionary, creating two copies
    //one for context area "G" an other for context area "F"

    res = objCA.InsertAQData1(operationID, id, value);



function CargarListaPaginasNombresEstaticos()
            var serverName = top.GetAQData("G","SERVER_NAME");
            var xmlFolder = "AMTAConfig";
            var sXMLFileName = "http://" + serverName + "/" + xmlFolder + "/NombresEstaticosPaginas.xml";

            //var xmlDoc;
            var root;
            var nodos;
            var nodo;
            var nodos2;
            var nodo2;
            var nombre;
            var valor;

            xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");
            xmlDoc.async = false;

            root = xmlDoc.documentElement;
            nodos = root.childNodes;

            for (var i = 0; i < nodos.length; i++)
                nodo = nodos.item(i);
                nodos2 = nodo.childNodes;

                for (var j = 0; j < nodos2.length; j++)
                    nodo2 = nodos2.item(j);
                    if (nodo2.nodeName=="NombrePagina"){
                        nombre = nodo2.text;
                    if (nodo2.nodeName=="TituloPagina"){
                        valor = nodo2.text;
                top.PaginasEstaticas.Add(nombre, valor);
            return 0;

我解决了这个问题,改变了访问Scripting.Dictionary的方式。 我使用两个使用IDictionary键和IDictionary Items构造的VBArray对象来获取值。 IE不再与使用密钥访问值的旧方法兼容


function LoadAQData()
var sIDs;
var iNumData;
var id;
var value;
var contextarea;
var operationID = "DWI";
var res="";
//Dump AQ data defined in the scripting dictionary in the desktop window in an array
sIDs = (new VBArray(top.AQContextArea.Keys()));     
iNumData = top.AQContextArea.Count;

for(j = 0; j < iNumData; j++)
    id = sIDs.getItem(j);
    value = top.AQContextArea(id);

    //Inform the AQDataArray with the values of the scripting dictionary, creating two copies
    //one for context area "G" an other for context area "F"

    res = objCA.InsertAQData1(operationID, id, value);




function LoadAQData()
var sIDs;
var iNumData;
var id;
var value;
var contextarea;
var operationID = "DWI";
var res="";
//Dump AQ data defined in the scripting dictionary in the desktop window in an array
sIDs = (new VBArray(top.AQContextArea.Keys()));
ItemsArray = (new VBArray(top.AQContextArea.Items()));  
iNumData = top.AQContextArea.Count;

for(j = 0; j < iNumData; j++)
    id = sIDs.getItem(j);
    value = ItemsArray.getItem(j);
    //Inform the AQDataArray with the values of the scripting dictionary, creating two copies
    //one for context area "G" an other for context area "F"

    res = objCA.InsertAQData1(operationID, id, value);



链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/93479.html

上一篇: Some Javascript errors on IE8 compatibility mode on IE11 windows 8

下一篇: Why won't these fonts load across servers?