Amazon mws ability to take notice of restricted products


According to, prohibition depends on the country's law.So, no api outputs whether your all products are sellable or not.
"For some product categories, sellers may not create product listings without prior approval from Amazon. In addition, sellers may be required to obtain additional approval to list certain products in certain categories. To request access to a specific category, see"

Have you looked at the products API?

You can check out the example response in the bottom of this page. It holds the properties of the product in question and I think you can deduce what you need from that.

Also, this link if for the full API docs where I'm sure you can find more information.


This is Amazon's product guidelines. You can see which products can be sold in general and how they should be presented. The API can only be used on listed products ie products that are already ready to be sold


上一篇: 我可以在应用程序中重复使用组件

下一篇: 亚马逊公司有能力注意到受限制的产品