

$SQL = "SELECT goodies FROM stash WHERE secret='" .  
    str_replace("'",'',$_POST['secret']) .  

Could an evil genius hacker inject SQL into my SELECT - How ?

I've had a think about this for a while and I can't see any way to inject SQL into this statement.

An SQL string that starts with a single quotes terminates at the next single quote unless it is escaped with a backslash or another quote ( ' or '' ). Since you are removing all single quotes there cannot be a doubled quote. If you escape the closing quote you will get an error, but no SQL injection.

However this method has a number of drawbacks:

  • Single quotes in the input are ignored.
  • Backslashes in the input aren't handled correctly - they will be treated as escape codes.
  • You get an error if the last character is a backslash.
  • If you later extend the query to add a second parameter, it would allow an SQL injection attack.
  • For example:

    $SQL = "SELECT goodies FROM stash WHERE secret='" .  
        str_replace("'",'',$_POST['secret']) .  
    "' AND secret2 = '" .
        str_replace("'",'',$_POST['secret2']) .  

    When called with parameters and OR 1 = 1 -- would result in:

    SELECT goodies FROM stash WHERE secret='' AND secret2=' OR 1 = 1 -- '

    Which MySQL would see as something like this:

    SELECT goodies FROM stash WHERE secret='...' OR 1 = 1

    Even if it's impossible to cause an injection in this case the drawbacks make this unsuitable for a general purpose way to avoid SQL injection.

    The solution, as already pointed out, is to use a prepared statement. This is the most reliable way to prevent SQL injection attacks.

    Why won't you use mysql_real_escape_string() or even better - prepared statements? Your solution seems silly.

    May be. The best way is:

    $query = sprintf("SELECT goodies FROM stash WHERE secret='%s'",

    上一篇: 防止SQL注入

    下一篇: PHP