How do I find out if one string is in another string in Python?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? 13 answers

  • For finding one string in another, you may want to try the string find method.

    if b.find(a) != -1:  # -1 will be returned when a is not in b

    To ignore capitalizations, you may want to do something like:

    if b.lower().find(a.lower()) != -1:

    Additional commentary: As I type this, it's going on three years since I originally supplied this answer. The answer still gets occasional votes, both up and down. Since the answer works, presumably the down voters think this isn't as Pythonic as the if a in b: answer. As the comments state, that answer can fail silently if a and b aren't strings. There has been debate about whether that should be a concern. I've been around a while and have seen all sorts of things tried when code is re-used or the input data isn't what was expected. Thus, my viewpoint is that it shouldn't be assumed that the data will conform to expectations. Also, I believe the Zen of Python supports the viewpoint that this answer is more Pythonic:

    >>> import this
    The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
    Beautiful is better than ugly.
    Explicit is better than implicit.
    Errors should never pass silently.
    Unless explicitly silenced.

    How about

    if a in b:
        print "a is in b"

    If you also want to ignore capitals:

    if a.lower() in b.lower():
        print "a is in b"

    if a in b:
        # insert code here

    上一篇: 检查一个字符串是否有2个字符相邻

    下一篇: 如何找出一个字符串是否在Python的另一个字符串中?