Convert single file to Swift 3 in Xcode 8?

Is there any way in Xcode 8 or 8.1 to do a Swift 2.X -> Swift 3 migration for a single file in a project that's already been converted to Swift 3?

For technical debt/legacy build process reasons, we are currently having to maintain both Xcode 7 and Xcode 8 versions of our project. This is causing headaches when we have to merge new development from Xcode 7 over to Xcode 8 . Since the project has already been fully converted to Swift 3 in our Xcode 8 branch (including a ton of hand fixes), we can't use the full-project automated converter. Therefore we are currently having to do a hand conversion from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3 for any new Swift files which were added in Xcode 7 , which takes a significant amount of time.

I apologize if this has already been asked, I couldn't find any clear answer with Google.

I have a project with multiple targets where each target is a slightly more advanced version of using OpenGL with Swift. It's one project with multiple tutorials, if you will. When swift 3 became available, I used the converter, and noticed it works on a per target basis . With that in mind I suggest:

  • Create a dumb target in the project.
  • Add any files you want updated to this target.
  • Run the conversation editor
  • Associate or place those files back into your already converted target.
  • I realize it's a bit of a hack, but if it works, why not? Hope that helps.

    As a side note, if you have any code dealing with Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer and you utilize alloc() or malloc(), the converter does not replace the alloc() / malloc() with the new UnsafeMutablePointer methods-- allocate() and initialize() . You are likely using these if you are working with any of the C API's.

    A thought (untested) is to delete the lines

    LastSwiftMigration = 0800;


    SWIFT_VERSION = 3.0;

    from project.pbxproj and see if Xcode allows you to use the migrator again. Those lines were both added after I ran the migrator.

    Then if it works, obviously, you need to deselect all the files you don't want migrated.

    That's all I can think of anyway.


    上一篇: ZF2记录卷曲请求

    下一篇: 在Xcode 8中将单个文件转换为Swift 3?