Regex or other way to check for word in variable?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method? 13 answers

  • All you have to do is change your ordering. You can use the operator 'in' to check if a string contains another string.

    if 'xyz' in 'oiurwernjfndj xyz iekjerk':
        print True

    You can probably just use in operator or str.find:

    Basically, you would do

    if(xyz in post["body"] ...) { 
    // OR 
    if(post["body"].find('xyz') != -1 and ... ) {

    The in operator is probably the fastest way.

    The .find will return a number between 0 and string length -1 (to tell you the location of the string. However, if it cannot find the string, it returns a -1. So if it returns -1, then it isn't there, so anything other than -1 means it is.


    上一篇: Python列表片语法没有明显的原因

    下一篇: 正则表达式或其他方式来检查变量中的单词?