Perl Net::Jabber::Bot new line

I'm using Net::Jabber::Bot module in my Perl script and it works properly but one problem is that when I want to send a message all new lines get removed! Two questions :

  • How we can have new lines in our messages? Should we disable a chomp somewhere?
  • What happens with new lines in Jabber/XMPP?

  • This is a known issue, somebody already submitted a patch for this:

    You are not able to send n directly but you maybe able to send xmpp/jabber coded newline if that code does not contain unprintable chars.

    In this sub:

    sub _send_individual_message {
    # Strip out anything that's not a printable character
    # Now with unicode support?
    $message_chunk =~ s/[^[:print:]]+/./xmsg; 

    上一篇: XMPP作为控制台界面

    下一篇: Perl Net :: Jabber :: Bot新行