Filter or analyzer to equate English numbers and arabic numerals
I'm running an Elasticsearch server.
I'd like a query such as fifty two meters
to match a document containing 52 meters
Is there any plugin (filter or analyzer) that converts number words to arabic numerals?
Currently there is no plug-in for elasticsearch to convert words to number.
I suggest you to create a code that gets raw query as an input and outputs the transformed the query (ie: convert words to number) for elasticsearch.
You can use this ruby gem (open-source) to convert words to number and vice versa.
NumbersInWords.in_numbers("nineteen sixty five")
And to make things easier ruby intergration for elasticsearch can used to finally query the elasticsearch and get the results.
require 'elasticsearch'
client = log: true
client.transport.reload_connections! q: 'test'
上一篇: MySQL中的多个更新