Entity Framework : Invalid Column after removing the column
I have a table mapped in Entity Framework which works great adding/updating and deleting records. I removed a column from SQL sever called "Category", then re-mapped my entity in the model. This worked fine, the column disappeared.
Now, I run a query on the table to update a row and get the same error, invalid column "Category".
This has been removed from the SQL table and removed from the Entity, so is it still looking for this damn column when I run the following code??
using (Entities db = new Entities())
var Voucher = (from vouchers in db.Vouchers
where vouchers.ID == ID
select vouchers).FirstOrDefault();
if (Voucher != null)
Voucher.Status = (int)Vouchers.UI.Enums.VoucherStatus.Removed;
ret = db.SaveChanges() == 1;
Here is the error:
Invalid column name 'Category'.
I have cleaned the code, built, re-built, and updated the enitties about a 100 times.
Does anyone have any ideas?
从* .EDMX文件中删除该表,然后再将该表添加到* .EDMX文件
I used to also remove and re-add table, but never like this. What I rather do. I close model. right click and open as XML and them manually remove this reference. So it keeps my multiple diagrams within one model same and also my defined colors.
not necessary to remove the whole table from *.EDMX file, just remove the unnecessary field from *.EDMX file. It helped me
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94532.html上一篇: 实体框架无效的列名称
下一篇: 实体框架:删除列后出现无效列