Am I understanding the UIActivityViewController wrong?

from my opinion, I can pass text, images etc. to the UIActivityViewController and it will show exactly these apps, that can handle the file types I´m passing in. But it isn´t behaving like that! It´s just showing the standard apps Mail, Messages, Twitter, Facebook and Copy. These are not changing at all, regardless of what I´m passing to UIActivityViewController. I read that you have to subclass UIActivity to be able to support other Apps, but this renders the whole concept useless to me, as I have to know, which apps could do what.

Am I the only one that´s frustrated with this? Or am I just doing something wrong?

And to have some code:

NSArray *items = @[@"sometext", @"some longer text", [NSURL urlWithString:@""]];

controller = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems:items applicationActivities:nil];

Expected: to have apps like Evernote, Instagram etc. in the ActivityViewController

I think your question is related to this one. It doesn't seem anyone has an answer for either of them. Seems like if you create a UIActivity , you can only use it in your app within your own UIActivityViewController .


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