SQL Table Update with join

This question already has an answer here:

  • How can I do an UPDATE statement with JOIN in SQL? 14 answers

  • warning : before using any dynamic SQL, read about SQL Injection. In your case, if user have access to table2, it could be hacked by writing sql code into col_name.


    declare @X int, @Y int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @params nvarchar(max)
    select @params = '@X int, @Y int'
    declare table_cursor cursor local fast_forward for
        select distinct X, Y from Table2
    open table_cursor
    while 1 = 1
        fetch table_cursor into @X, @Y
        if @@fetch_status <> 0 break
        select @stmt = null
        select @stmt = 
            isnull(@stmt + ', ', '') + 
            Col_Name + ' = ' + cast(Col_Value as nvarchar(max))
        from Table2
        where X = @X and Y = @Y
        select @stmt = 'update Table1 set ' + @stmt + ' where A = @X and B = @Y'
        exec dbo.sp_executesql
            @stmt = @stmt,
            @params = @params,
            @X = @X,
            @Y = @Y
    close table_cursor
    deallocate table_cursor

    The standard SQL way to do this requires correlated subqueries:

    update table1
        set C = coalesce((select max(col_value)
                          from Table2 t2
                          where table1.A = t2.X and table1.B = t2.Y and
                                t2.Col_Name = 'A'
                         ), C),
            D = coalesce((select max(col_value)
                          from Table2 t2
                          where table1.A = t2.X and table1.B = t2.Y and
                                t2.Col_Name = 'D'
                         ), D)

    Some SQL engines allow joins. The following would be a method to use with MySQL:

    update table1 join
           (select X, Y, max(case when col_name = 'C' then col_value end) as C,
                   max(case when col_name = 'D' then col_value end) as D
            from table2
            group by X, Y
           ) t2
           on t2.X = table1.A and t2.Y = table2.Y
        set C = coalesce(t2.C, C),
            D = coalesce(t2.D, D)

    In both cases the coalesce() is intended to keep the current value, when there is no match. If you want NULL with no match, then just remove the coalesce() .


    In SQL Server, the syntax for an update/join is slightly different:

    update table1 join
        set C = coalesce(t2.C, C),
            D = coalesce(t2.D, D)
        from table1 join
             (select X, Y, max(case when col_name = 'C' then col_value end) as C,
                     max(case when col_name = 'D' then col_value end) as D
              from table2
              group by X, Y
             ) t2
             on t2.X = table1.A and t2.Y = table2.Y;
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94662.html

    上一篇: 如何使用表B中的信息更新表A中的列

    下一篇: SQL表更新加入