SQL Table Update with join
This question already has an answer here:
warning : before using any dynamic SQL, read about SQL Injection. In your case, if user have access to table2, it could be hacked by writing sql code into col_name.
declare @X int, @Y int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @params nvarchar(max)
select @params = '@X int, @Y int'
declare table_cursor cursor local fast_forward for
select distinct X, Y from Table2
open table_cursor
while 1 = 1
fetch table_cursor into @X, @Y
if @@fetch_status <> 0 break
select @stmt = null
select @stmt =
isnull(@stmt + ', ', '') +
Col_Name + ' = ' + cast(Col_Value as nvarchar(max))
from Table2
where X = @X and Y = @Y
select @stmt = 'update Table1 set ' + @stmt + ' where A = @X and B = @Y'
exec dbo.sp_executesql
@stmt = @stmt,
@params = @params,
@X = @X,
@Y = @Y
close table_cursor
deallocate table_cursor
The standard SQL way to do this requires correlated subqueries:
update table1
set C = coalesce((select max(col_value)
from Table2 t2
where table1.A = t2.X and table1.B = t2.Y and
t2.Col_Name = 'A'
), C),
D = coalesce((select max(col_value)
from Table2 t2
where table1.A = t2.X and table1.B = t2.Y and
t2.Col_Name = 'D'
), D)
Some SQL engines allow joins. The following would be a method to use with MySQL:
update table1 join
(select X, Y, max(case when col_name = 'C' then col_value end) as C,
max(case when col_name = 'D' then col_value end) as D
from table2
group by X, Y
) t2
on t2.X = table1.A and t2.Y = table2.Y
set C = coalesce(t2.C, C),
D = coalesce(t2.D, D)
In both cases the coalesce()
is intended to keep the current value, when there is no match. If you want NULL
with no match, then just remove the coalesce()
In SQL Server, the syntax for an update/join is slightly different:
update table1 join
set C = coalesce(t2.C, C),
D = coalesce(t2.D, D)
from table1 join
(select X, Y, max(case when col_name = 'C' then col_value end) as C,
max(case when col_name = 'D' then col_value end) as D
from table2
group by X, Y
) t2
on t2.X = table1.A and t2.Y = table2.Y;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94662.html
上一篇: 如何使用表B中的信息更新表A中的列
下一篇: SQL表更新加入