JPA update with a join

I use spring-jpa with hibernate implementation. I use mariadb I try to do an update with a join.

My object structure

public class Room {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long roomId;

    @JoinColumn(name = "appartment_id")
    private Appartment appartment;

public class Appartment {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long appartmentId;

    private Set<Room> roomList;

My sql query

update  Room r1 set r1.available = :availability
    where  r1.roomId in (
        SELECT  r2.roomId
            from  Room r2
            JOIN  r2.appartment a1
            WHERE  a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId 

tried also

update  Room r1 set r1.available = :availability
    where  exists 
      ( SELECT  r2
            from  Room r2
            JOIN  r2.appartment a1
            where  a1.appartmentId= :appartmentId 

I get this error

java.sql.SQLException: Table 'room' is specified twice, both as a target for 'UPDATE' and as a separate source for data

Seem like update and join with mysql seem impossible?

Everytime you get the unexpected token exception, look for syntax errors.

In your case the update query should look like this:

UPDATE Room r1
SET r1.available = :availability
WHERE r1.roomId in
( SELECT r2.roomId FROM Room r2 JOIN r2.appartment a1 WHERE a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId )  

EDIT (follow-up issue):

Here you may find some help for your follow-up question

The accepted answer features a MySQL example on how to perform an update with a JOIN. I'm quite sure that's what you're after. Now it would look something like this:

UPDATE Room r1 JOIN r1.appartment a1
SET r1.available = :availability
WHERE a1.appartmentId = :appartmentId

try it with your dialect but if it doesn't work, the following one should do the trick:

UPDATE Room r1 SET r1.available = :availability WHERE r1.appartment.appartmentId = :appartmentId

IN ( SELECT ... ) has poor performance characteristics. Since you are looking at an UPDATE , I recommend a multi-table UPDATE . Or EXISTS is good -- but not that EXISTS . You have not tied the two instances of Room together; the UPDATE will change all or none of the rows!

Since you have not explained what the query is supposed to do, I cannot advise you on how to do it.


上一篇: 在SQL Server中分页结果的最佳方式是什么?

下一篇: JPA更新加入