Reducing the default spacing between html tr tags

How do I reduce the spacing between <tr> table tags? I want to go below a cellspacing of 0. In other words, I want the rows to almost touch each other.

I have:

<table class="table">
  <tr class="row"><td>One</td></tr>

I have tried a CSS similar to the following:

.table{ font-size: 12px; padding: 0;  margin:0;    }
.row{    height: 30px    }  / *tried playing with this to no avail */

with no success--the table rows do not get any closer than the default.


.table tr td{
     height: 30px;
     padding: 0;



上一篇: 如何在html中删除表格中的空格行和列

下一篇: 减少html tr标签之间的默认间距