SQL Developer won't show the connections Tab

So SQL Developer won't show the connections tab no matter what I do. I've tried going through the "view" tab and clicking into the "connections" and I've also tried clicking the new button. I've also tried an uninstall/reinstall, but nothing.

It's probably something simple, but I'm fairly new to it, can anyone direct me or provide any advice? Any help is really appreciated :)

1.) Save your current SQL connection xml file located in windows 7/8/10: C:Users"youruseraccount"AppDataRoamingSQL DevelopersystemXXXXXo.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx

2.)Now delete your SQL Developer Folder and sqldeveloper folder located in: C:Users"youruseraccount"AppDataRoaming

3.)Now delete the main sqldeveloper folder containing the actual SQL developer application files.This would be located wherever you initially unzipped the SQLDeveloper download.

4.)Download the latest version of SQL Developer and unzip wherever you like.

5.)Launch SQL developer and specify your JDK location.

6.)Copy your connections xml file to your roaming SQL Developer directory here: C:Users"youruseraccount"AppDataRoamingSQL DevelopersystemXXXXXX)o.jdeveloper.db.connection.xxxxxx

7.)Launch SQL Developer and your DBA view should now be available after selecting view -> DBA

I had the similar issue with SQL Developer 4.2, one fine day all the connections pane on left vanished, tried couple options unsuccessfully.

Remedy is 1) Installation of newer version of SQL Developer to the folder of your choice with newer java JDK 2) Import the preference from previous version. DID the TRICK... Good Luck

  • Rajarao
  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94762.html

    上一篇: 如何使用CUDA 8.0 nvprof剖析OpenCL应用程序

    下一篇: SQL Developer不会显示连接Tab