What does "+" means in +function($)?

This question already has an answer here:

  • JavaScript plus sign in front of function name 3 answers

  • To guide the javascript parser, that the thing written near the unary operator + is an expression.

    EDIT: You can create javascript functions anonymously. This is one of the syntaxes to create the same. By doing so, when they are called (ie evaluated), they act like a returning a function value. You can read more from the second link which provides a good description of it.

    This link explains it well

    Once declared, if not named, these can be executed inline like IIFE (Immediately invoked function expressions) as well. And in this form, they can then be used to create plugins or used as namespaces and attached to window object or jquery object for use later.

    Good sample file to see anonymous function code in action


    It's a bang function

    the + operator is faster than usual !

    see more at javascript function leading bang ! syntax

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/94934.html

    上一篇: 一个+ function(){}符号是做什么的?

    下一篇: “+”在+函数($)中意味着什么?