Can Ramda have isString?


I am trying to use ramda and I need a pure function that lets me know if a given input is a string or not, much like lodash _.isString .


After searching everywhere I couldn't find anything in Ramda for this. So I wonder, is there a way, using any of Ramda's existing functions, that I can create a isString function?

I find this horribly limiting and is it is not possible i might just use lodash in the end :S

Rather than have isString , isObject , isArray , isFunction , etc, Ramda simply provides is , which you can use to create any of these you like:

const isString =
const isRectangle =

isString('foo') //=> true
isString(42) //=> false

isRectangle(new Rectangle(3, 5)) //=> true
isRectangle(new Square(7)) //=> true (if Rectangle is in the prototype chain of Square)
isRectangle(new Triangle(3, 4, 5)) //=> false

And you don't have to create the intermediate function. You can just use it as is:, 'foo') //=> true, {a: 'foo'}) //=> false

上一篇: 更容易的方法使RegExp.test()对于空值返回false?

下一篇: 拉姆达可以有isString吗?