Javascript array value is undefined ... how do I test for that
This question already has an answer here:
array[index] == 'undefined'
compares the value of the array index to the string "undefined".
You're probably looking for typeof array[index] == 'undefined'
, which compares the type.
You are checking it the array index contains a string "undefined"
, you should either use the typeof
typeof predQuery[preId] == 'undefined'
Or use the undefined
global property:
predQuery[preId] === undefined
The first way is safer, because the undefined
global property is writable, and it can be changed to any other value.
You're testing against the string 'undefined'
; you've confused this test with the typeof
test which would return a string. You probably mean to be testing against the special value undefined
Note the strict-equality operator to avoid the generally-unwanted match null==undefined
However there are two ways you can get an undefined
value: either preId
isn't a member of predQuery
, or it is a member but has a value set to the special undefined
value. Often, you only want to check whether it's present or not; in that case the in
operator is more appropriate:
!(preId in predQuery)
上一篇: 检查变量是否未定义不起作用