Keyboard shortcut for Jumping between "If/End If"

I know it's simple to do in C#, but what is the command to jump between If/End If marks in VB.Net like you can jump between braces in C#?

(C#-version of this Question: Go to Matching Brace in Visual Studio?)

If you're using Visual Studio 2010, you can use Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down to jump between highlighted references and keywords.

Since these are If blocks, the IDE will highlight the Then keyword as well, so just tap Up/Down twice in rapid succession. Up/down wraps, so if you really want to save a keypress, hit the key in the "wrong" direction to get where you want.

I've resorted to putting the opening curly-bracket in a comment just after the THEN and a matching closing curly-bracket in a comment before the EndIf. This is a ghetto way of allowing VI to match the start/end of the block using % keystroke.

A more elegant way would be to use some sort of IDE that understands the block concept in the language you are editing. Sometimes this feature is called a "folding editor" as per


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