Webpack 2 resolve alias

I have a little problem regarding resolving aliases in webpack 2. No matter what i do i cant resolve this. Here is the relevant code:

/* webpack.mix.js */

         module: {
               rules: [
                       test: /.js$/,
                       loader: 'eslint-loader'
           resolve: {
             root: path.resolve(__dirname), 
                    // path is reqired at the beggining of file 
             alias: {
               config: 'src/assets/js/config', // this is a config folder
               js: 'src/assets/js'

/* router.js */ 

        import { DashboardRoute } from 'config/route-components'
      // this import is unresolved

The resolve.root option no longer exists in webpack 2. Instead it is merged into resolve.modules (from the official Migration Guide). Webpack even throws an error that it's not a valid property. If you want to be able to import from your root directory you would change the resolve config to:

resolve: {
  alias: {
    config: 'src/assets/js/config',
    js: 'src/assets/js'
  modules: [

Alternatively you can use an absolute path in your resolve.alias like so:

resolve: {
  alias: {
    config: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets/js/config'),
    js: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/assets/js')


resolve: {
  root: [
    path.resolve('src') // Resolve on root first
  alias: {
    config: 'src/assets/js/config', // this is a config folder
    js: 'src/assets/js'

In ionic 3 (version 3.13.3), in order to get alias mapping working, you will have to define path mapping both in webpack.config.js & tsconfig.json

Please refer complete answer here question here

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95338.html

上一篇: 在调用AppComponent.ts之前,Angular 2的起点是什么?

下一篇: Webpack 2解析别名