How do I remove a project configuration in Visual Studio 2008?

I have a Visual Studio 2008 solution into which I have imported a number of pre-existing projects. The projects are mixed-language sample code (C#, VB, C++/CLI). They currently have multiple configurations, but I want each project only to have only a single "Debug" configuration.

In the configuration manager, I deleted the other configurations (eg "Release"), but as I did so there was a warning message to tell me that they would not be deleted from the individual projects.

And indeed when I navigate to an individual project, it still has "Release" and other configurations, even though at the solution level there is only "Debug".

How can I best remove these extra configurations from each project? Am I overlooking some way to do this in the GUI, or should I just edit the project files directly?

In the Configuration Manager, select "Edit..." in the "Configuration" column for each project (not via the dropdown named Active solution configuration) that has configurations you want to remove.

In the dialog that pops up, mark each unwanted configuration and select "Remove".

不回答我所知道的这个特殊问题,但通过VS2013,您可以打开Property Manager选项卡,展开所有项目配置,使用CTRL或SHIFT键进行多项选择,并一次从多个项目中删除配置。

To help illustrate timbo's answer, here is what he's talking about. Like some of the commenters it took me a while to find this.



上一篇: Visual Studio:配置调试以附加到进程

下一篇: 如何在Visual Studio 2008中删除项目配置?