Ruby operator method calls vs. normal method calls

I'm wondering why calls to operator methods don't require a dot? Or rather, why can't normal methods be called without a dot?


class Foo
  def +(object)
    puts "this will work"
  def plus(object)
    puts "this won't"
f =
f + "anything" # "this will work"
f plus "anything" # NoMethodError: undefined method `plus' for main:Object

The implementation doesn't have the additional complexity that would be needed to allow generic definition of new operators.

Instead, Ruby has a Yacc parser that uses a statically defined grammar. You get the built-in operators and that's it. Symbols occur in a fixed set of sentences in the grammar. As you have noted, the operators can be overloaded, which is more than most languages offer.

Certainly it's not because Matz was lazy.

Ruby actually has a fiendishly complex grammar that is roughly at the limit of what can be accomplished in Yacc. To get more complex would require using a less portable compiler generator or it would have required writing the parser by hand in C, and doing that would have limited future implementation portability in its own way as well as not providing the world with the Yacc input. That would be a problem because Ruby's Yacc source code is the only Ruby grammar documentation and is therefore "the standard".

The answer to this question, as to pretty much every language design question is: "Just because". Language design is a series of mostly subjective trade-offs. And for most of those subjective trade-offs, the only correct answer to the question why something is the way it is, is simply "because Matz said so".

There are certainly other choices:

  • Lisp doesn't have operators at all. + , - , :: , > , = and so on are simply normal legal function names (variable names, actually), just like foo or bar?

    (plus 1 2)
    (+ 1 2)
  • Smalltalk almost doesn't have operators. The only special casing Smalltalk has is that methods which consist only of operator characters do not have to end with a colon. In particular, since there are no operators, all method calls have the same precedence and are evaluated strictly left-to-right: 2 + 3 * 4 is 20 , not 14 .

    1 plus: 2
    1 + 2
  • Scala almost doesn't have operators. Just like Lisp and Smalltalk, * , - , #::: and so on are simply legal method names. (Actually, they are also legal class, trait, type and field names.) Any method can be called either with or without a dot. If you use the form without the dot and the method takes only a single argument, then you can leave off the brackets as well. Scala does have precedence, though, although it is not user-definable; it is simply determined by the first character of the name. As an added twist, operator method names that end with a colon are inverted or right-associative, ie a :: b is equivalent to b.::(a) and not a.::(b) .
    1 plus(2)
    1 plus 2
    1 +(2)
    1 + 2
  • In Haskell, any function whose name consists of operator symbols is considered an operator. Any function can be treated as an operator by enclosing it in backticks and any operator can be treated as a function by enclosing it in brackets. In addition, the programmer can freely define associativity, fixity and precedence for user-defined operators.

    plus 1 2
    1 `plus` 2
    (+) 1 2
    1 + 2
  • There is no particular reason why Ruby couldn't support user-defined operators in a style similar to Scala. There is a reason why Ruby can't support arbitrary methods in operator position, simply because

    foo plus bar

    is already legal, and thus this would be a backwards-incompatible change.

    Another thing to consider is that Ruby wasn't actually fully designed in advance. It was designed through its implementation. Which means that in a lot of places, the implementation is leaking through. For example, there is absolutely no logical reason why


    is legal but

    puts(not true)

    isn't. The only reason why this is so, is because Matz used an LALR(1) parser to parse a non-LALR(1) language. If he had designed the language first, he would have never picked an LALR(1) parser in the first place, and the expression would be legal.

    The Refinement feature currently being discussed on ruby-core is another example. The way it is currently specified, will make it impossible to optimize method calls and inline methods, even if the program in question doesn't actually use Refinement s at all. With just a simple tweak, it can be just as expressive and powerful, and ensure that the pessimization cost is only incurred for scopes that actually use Refinement s. Apparently, the sole reason why it was specified this way, is that a) it was easier to prototype this way, and b) YARV doesn't have an optimizer, so nobody even bothered to think about the implications (well, nobody except Charles Oliver Nutter).

    So, for basically any question you have about Ruby's design, the answer will almost always be either "because Matz said so" or "because in 1993 it was easier to implement that way".

    Because Ruby has "syntax sugar" that allows for a variety of convenient syntax for preset situations. For example:

    class Foo
      def bar=( o ); end
    # This is actually calling the bar= method with a parameter, not assigning a value = 42

    Here's a list of the operator expressions that may be implemented as methods in Ruby.


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