One Sql Server Deadlock issue: exclusive lock wait on update lock
met the following problem about deadlock, don't know whey this happens, need help, thanks! Here is what happens(the simplified version).
I have the following table and indexes:
--Create table JobMaster
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[JobMaster](
[JobId] uniqueidentifier,
[CreateTime] datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (GETUTCDATE()),
[JobStatus] INT NULL,
[JobStatusUpdateTime] DATETIME NULL,
[DataUploadStatus] int,
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX index_jobMaster_createtime ON [dbo].[JobMaster]([CreateTime])
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX index_jobMaster_jobStatus ON [dbo].[JobMaster]([JobStatus])
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX index_jobMaster_jobStatusUpdateTime ON [dbo].[JobMaster]([JobStatusUpdateTime])
And we have a dead lock on three sessions: Deadlock: A ->(wait for resource holding by) B -> C -> A.
A and C holding the update lock on JobMaster with index PK (non-cluster), and session B holding the X lock on JobMaster with cluster index
Here is the operation for A/B/C(Read committed isolation level, no special setting): A/B:
UPDATE [JobMaster] SET
[DataUploadStatus] = 1,e
WHERE JobId= 'E6AEE804-6A09-4293-B93C-15E9748E46ED'
UPDATE [JobMaster] SET [JobStatus] = 1,
[JobStatusUpdateTime] = GETUTCDATE()
WHERE JobId= 'E6AEE804-6A09-4293-B93C-15E9748E46ED'
My question is:
Why does session B wait on the U lock of jobmaster on pk index hold by A, while B is holding the X lock on clustered index? I mean since B has the X lock, which is lock to update the clustered index, seems it has no other locking needs?
What is the sequence of lock request/release on the three sessions? My understanding is, like for session B: update lock on JobMaster with PK and JobMaster with cluster index, then the X lock on JobMaster with Cluster index. Correct me if I am wrong.
Since we don't modify the non-cluster indexes, in any of the queries. Why do they need a U lock on the index? And why C is waiting for A, as C already have the U lock.
上一篇: 关键更新死锁