Duplicate Target for iPad, but iPad still running iPhone target

I'm using Xcode 4 and have a already finished iphone project, I selected 'Duplicate Target' and chose to let Xcode create my duplicates for iPad, that worked fine and i have another group with the iPad nibs,

but I guess the target is not getting built by Xcode since the simulator always starts the iPhone version. What do I have to do to get the iPad nibs showing? (application-iPad targets settings are already set to use MainWindow-iPad)

I just found the options dialog for my Build schemes, I did not set the iPad Target to build, that was the fault

go to Edit -> Edit Schemes and set the iPad target to build

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/95728.html

上一篇: 将iPhone应用程序转换为Xcode 4中的通用应用程序

下一篇: iPad的重复目标,但iPad仍然运行iPhone目标